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About Me

Hi! I'm Blaise Osmałek (or Błażej but that's harder to say). I'm a student at Warsaw University of Technology studying Automation and Robotics. 3D modeling and printing in free time since 2020, doing hobby electronics since at least 2016 and programming for as long as I can remember.

I'm interested in a lot of things, but mostly in electronics and programming. I'm also interested in 3D modeling and printing, but I'm not as good at it. I'm also interested in home automation and I'm trying to make my home as smart as possible.

My other interests include: photography, music, cycling but you won't find much about them here. I plan to put some of my photos on instagram and if I ever do that, I will put a link here.

Currently working on a few projects, but my free time is limited with studies, so progress is slow. I will try to keep this website updated with my progress.